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A live YouTube podcast were Burky and Badger (Kevin Burkhardsmeier and Barry Doublet) babble about board games. We chat with guests as well as the live audience. Play game show games and babble...about board games, of course (sometimes).

Join us on out Board Game Geek Forum 2248

You can catch Burky on Board Game Theatre

And Badger on Board Games Everybody Should...


Jan 20, 2019

Here in Babblot, many of us relate a game by saying “thats in my top ten,” or “that's the best party game ever.” Which has our King a little mystified.


***Welcome Derek Funkhouser to Babblot***

Tiz’ the season to be sick

New Soundtrack

Play and recharge


***Podcast Poll*** 14:32

What did you play at christmas poll


***Things That Make Us Go Hmmmm!***  22:15

Reviewers not reviewing

KS Board games are number 1


***What Game Is Behind The Door*** 39:06

A quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers before us?


***The Babble*** 1:08:04

Talking about the pros and cons of Top Ten lists and listing our Top Five games of 2018

To find out more about the Promo Paradise Kickstarter:

You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should...

Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248

Big Thanks to Arcane Wonders, Academy Games and Game Toppers for their support

And watch the live stream of the show here:


Other games we talk about:

Architects of the West Kingdom

Endeavor: Age of Sail

KeyForge: Call of the Archons

Teotihuacan: City of Gods


Chronicles of Crime

The Mind


Space Base

Claustrophobia 1643





Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game


Welcome To...


Rising Sun

Underwater Cities

War Chest

Western Legends


Shards of Infinity

The Quacks of Quedlinburg


Brass: Birmingham
