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A live YouTube podcast were Burky and Badger (Kevin Burkhardsmeier and Barry Doublet) babble about board games. We chat with guests as well as the live audience. Play game show games and babble...about board games, of course (sometimes).

Join us on out Board Game Geek Forum 2248

You can catch Burky on Board Game Theatre

And Badger on Board Games Everybody Should...


Apr 23, 2018


You know how the film end and all the plot twist along the way. Does it ruin your experience if you watch it again? Now board games are doing the same, with linear story telling and plot twist that you will discover. But will you play it again?

We are delve into our dungeon and torture our special guest about their favourite games, as well as get their side of “Spoiling Storytelling”

***Welocome to Babblot***

Welcome Jamie Kegie

The Secret Cabal Kickstarter

***What's been happening in Babblot*** 12:58

Batman after party

New Music

Game Topper Nation on Facebook

Rustic Wood Creations

A Weather update

***Things That Make Us Go Hmmmm!*** 24:58

More Kickstarters than money

Game Topper giveaway at Dice Tower Con

Battlestar Galatica miniatures game

Alien Nostromo announced

***What Game Is Behind The Door*** 39:33
A quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers before us?

***The Babble*** 1:08:24

Board game that have a narrative. A story. A line of play. Should they be considered a real game or just a one off experience, if you can only play them once…?

Does a “only play once” game justify space on your shelf?

Does knowing the outcome spoil the second play?

Are there ways around the linier narration?

How do you feel about spoilers?

You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should... 
Like us on 
FacebookTwitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248

Other games we talk about:

Sherlock Holmes Consulting DetectiveThe 7th Continent, The Grizzled, This War Of Mine, Gloomhaven, Charterstone, Seafall, Unlock, The Pursuit Of Happiness, Welcome To Centerville, Gaia Project, Mansions Of MadnessTime Stories, Dungeons & Dragons, Twilight Imperium 3, Chronicles of Crime, Near & Far, Above & Below, Sheriff Of Nottingham