Mar 29, 2019
Welcome To Babblot, the kingdom of board gamers. Where we try to answer the age old question of, wait...I have forgotten it!
***What's Up Babblot*** 3:40
Claustrophobia finished
GAMA Trade show
***Thing That Make Us Go Hmmm!*** 11:43
Board Game Festival Map (
It is Cool to be CMON?
Asmodee distribution
***What Game Is Behind The Door*** 25:12
A quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, Rob McBride of Syther Gaming in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers before us?
***The Babble*** 1:01:28
Are publishers doing enough to make there games look great on our table? Or do we have to do it ourselves. That’s something that everyone in Babblot asks a lot.
Check out Overbattle on Kickstarter here:
You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should...
Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on Board Game Geek 2248
Big Thanks to Arcane Wonders, Academy Games and Game Toppers for their support
And watch the live stream of the show here:
Other games we talk about: