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A live YouTube podcast were Burky and Badger (Kevin Burkhardsmeier and Barry Doublet) babble about board games. We chat with guests as well as the live audience. Play game show games and babble...about board games, of course (sometimes).

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You can catch Burky on Board Game Theatre

And Badger on Board Games Everybody Should...


Dec 9, 2016

It's that time of year that you may be fearing or looking forward to. Brandon from the Brawling Brothers will joining us as we discus what Christmas means to us board gamers

***Ladies and Gentlemen, Brandon Nall*** 1:20

***Things that make us go Hmmm!*** 32:30
Asmodee/Conan upset
AEG 3 part expansion of Planes Trains and Automobiles
Kingdom Death : Monster/Board game ratings

***The Good, The Bad & The Ugly*** 48:25
Cottage Garden
Cry Havoc

***What game is behind the door*** 1:06:30
Game show quiz featuring Brandon Nall

***The Babble*** 1:30:00
It’s fast approaching that time of year that you either love or dread. What camp do you fall in? 
Do you got a big list of Board games that you want?
So, do you expect to receive lots of games?
Do you do a secret Santa? 
Do you go to the big stores to get your presents?
Do the big stores have a good selection of board games?
How do Big stores compare to our local friends store?
What percentage of Games do you buy online?
And what games do you buy for your non gamer friends?